Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Where's the beef?

How strong an equivalence exists between historic Eurasian states and the US in terms of the cost-benefit of national identification? No Eurasian state has so ambiguous a cultural coherence or short shared identity. No state has so polarized its economic classes. No G7 state is spending a vast percent of it's citizens wealth and blood on obsolete, bloated arms programs and arrogant bullying of others, making its citizens involuntary pariahs in much of the world. No state has private foreign-owned contractors spying on its own citizens' every breath, even from space. And now we are to become paupers at the hands of the scions of this same state? Surely the assumption of automatic loyalty of diverse, relatively recent members of this vast continental aggregation, as the Palins clearly illustrate, at some point has to fray. At what exactly does our state excel? Education? Health care? Industrial success? Transportation? Housing? Employment security? Cultural harmony? Leisure time? Or just making a few clever sociopaths incredibly rich? Where is the beef?

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